Motorcycle Leathercraft - フランスで手作り - 2013年から



ペイパルに登録をしなくても、 クレジットカードでお支払いをして頂くことができます。(ペイパルのサイトを利用)


① ショッピングカートの中に購入する物を入れ、[続ける] ボタンを押します。


② 発送先住所を記入後、利用規約にチェックを入れて [確認して次へ] ボタンを押します。


③ 入力内容を確認して、[支払いに進む] ボタンを押します。


④ ペイパルのサイトにジャンプしますので、[カードで支払う] を押して進んで頂ければ、




詳細は、ペイパルのサイトをご参照ください。 :


1 . Shopping Cart

Go to the product page that interests you. If multiple colours are available, choose the one you want by clicking on the picture icon.

Then select the desired amount and specify whether or not you want to add a cotton bag.

Click "Add to cart" button.

Once the item has been added to your cart, you can continue to the website or place your order. You can access the contents of your cart at any time by clicking the Shopping Cart icon at the top of every page.

Go to your shopping cart by clicking the basket icon at the top of the page.

Click "Continue".

2 . Login to your account

If you have already created an account you can enter your email address and password, otherwise click "Register" to create a new account.


3 . Registration

Fill your full name, email address and choose a password. Check the "I am not a robot" CAPTCHA and then click "Join".

You can return to your cart or change your account informations.


4 . My account

In the "Delivery Address" column choose "edit my informations". A window will appear where you can fill in your shipping address.


5 . Complete order

Now that you are registered you can return to the cart to finalize the order.

Enter your shipping address (if necessary). You can write a message in the space provided for this purpose.

Choose whether or not you want to receive the Sankakel's newsletter.

Check "I have read and I accept the terms of use", click "confirm".


6 . Confirm / Pay

In the order summary you will get the total amount of your order including shipping cost.

Click on "Pay with PayPal".

You are redirected to the PayPal website. You can pay by logging in with your PayPal account or pay without opening a PayPal account.

At the end of the payment, you are redirected to the sankakel website, the order is complete.


You can pay by credit card via the PayPal platform, it is not necessary to have an account to use it.

If you do not have a PayPal account you can still pay inside the app with your credit card. Click on "Check Out as a Guest". You will be redirected to a secure PayPal payment page. Select your card type and complete the required details. Click on the "Continue" button and your done. You will be redirected to the Sankakel order complete page.


If you have never created an account before, please click the "Register" tab at the top of the page.

Please fill your full name, email address and choose a password.

Check the "I am not a robot" captcha and then click "Join".

You can return to your cart or change your account informations, you are registered.


Login to your account with your ID.

You can change your shipping address

View and download invoices

Delete your account

Subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter


If you have forgotten your password:

In the "Login" tab, click on "Forgot password?"

Please, enter your Username (email address) associated with your account and click OK.

You will receive a password reset link to your email address. Follow the link in the email to reset your password.


Click the link received by email.

Sign in with your IDs.

Fill your comments and select the number of stars you want to assign. Confirm.